Installation [2.4.x]

Installation [2.4.x]

Log into your JIRA instance as a user with a Jira administrator rank.

  1. Click the admin drop-down (1) and select Add-Ons (2):

2. Click Find new add-ons (1) from the left-hand side of the page:

In the search field type "Email Task" (2), then hit enter. After a moment you will be presented with search results. Make sure that Email Task vendor is Atlassian Verified  "Transition Technologies PSC".

Directly after installation, to use the add-on for test purposes, please click "Free Trial" button. This allows to generate trial license (you are to be redirected to MyAtlassian page to generate it) that you can apply for the add-on. After doing so, it will be ready to use.

When trial mode is present, "Buy now" (3) button will be displayed instead "Free Trial" one.

Feel free to tell us what topic should be covered: mailtask@psc-software.atlassian.net