Integrating Team Calendars with external calendars

Integrating Team Calendars with external calendars

Since: v2.4.0; Jira: Server, Data Center

Integration with external calendars

When user have access to statistics by team, he also can generate link with special token which allow him to subscribe statistics in external calendars like: Google Calendar, Outlook etc. Token is a form of safeguard to avoid vacations data leak. Thanks to this solution, we can access vacations data without authorization. Every user have his own token, so chance of data leak is minimal. Also in case of token, when user has a token, this token allows only to view one specific team. To access other teams, user need to generate new token in each team.

Each created token expires after 6 months after creation date.

How to generate new token and get link?

To generate a new link, user need to go to the statistics by team view. In team statistics view, click in the “Calendar” (1.1), then click “Subscribe” (1.2).

(image 1)

After clicking in “Subscribe” button, there should show popup in which user need to click “Generate” (2.1).

(image 2)

New URL should be generated and user should be able to copy it (3.1).

(image 3)

How to invalidate token which leaked?

If in some case generated token leak and a person without permissions has access to calendar, the user can invalidate the current token. To invalidate token, user need to click in link “here” (4.1).

(image 4)

How to subscribe to calendar in calendar client?

Example of Outlook integration

If user have already generated link with token, he can now subscribe to this link in any calendar client (which support ICS file format).

Right click on “Calendars” header (5.1) → Add Calendar (5.2) → From internet… (5.3)

(image 5)

When the popup shows, we need to paste the generated link in to the text field (6.1), and then click “OK” (6.2). Our calendar client now should be synchronized with team statistics.

(image 6)

How to export vacations data to single .ics file?

If user want to export only single .ics file, he needs to move to team statistics. In Team statistics, he needs to click in “Calendar” (7.1) and then “Export ICS” (7.2). After that file is generated, and download should start. Process of file generation can take some time, it depends on vacations document cont in selected team.

(image 7)


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