Vacation definition detailed view

Vacation definition detailed view

To access detailed view, please open Vacations menu to select "Management" (1), then go to "Vacation days" (2). "Details" (3) button gets active only when at least one vacation type has been assigned to particular user(s).

After accessing details, one can spot that views of each Vacation type may differ in some aspects - main difference is how one time vs recurring every given period leaves look like.

One time vacation type:

At the top are basic information about this Vacation type(1), such as: user (2), vacation type (3) and information if the vacation type is of a current calendar year or not (4). Right next to it, there's an information about when particular vacation can be used (with time frame defined) presented in a table-like form with headers (marked in bold font style) that allow to sort elements under it.

Below the upper table, there is a Check approved documents belong to these periods... link (5). It lists all requests for this vacation type (1)  approved by user's team supervisor (7). It is displayed as a list of periods assigned to this user and particular vacation type, placed also in a table from. Each header i.e. "Status" (6), gives a possibility to sort elements in accordance with alphabetical, or counter-alphabetical order. In case of numbers - in an ascending/descending way.

Be advised - only vacation requests to which user's supervisor positive decision was made are displayed, with proper information (8). Those that were rejected, are not listed here.

As for the edit button (9) - after clicking it, HR member can quickly edit period of a current leave (time frame when it can be used) and amend number of entitled days.

By delete button (10) HR member can delete this vacation days for user but it delete all information related with them e.g. vacation documents(issues).


After clicking on "Edit button" you may expect similar possibilities:

Recurring vacation type


Another option is view for Recurring vacation type (3). Right below there's also an information about a period after which selected vacation type is to occur again (4). Other content is quite similar to the above mentioned one time holiday type, however it has some differences. At the top of view you will see selected user (2) and vacation type (1), however contrary to one time vacation request details, here "suggested days" (5) button is present. It's possible to amend number of suggested days immediately.

Below the upper table, there is a Check approved documents belong to these periods... link (11). It lists all requests for this vacation type (1)  approved by user's team supervisor (8). It is displayed as a list of periods assigned to this user and particular vacation type, placed also in a table from. Each header i.e. "Status", gives a possibility to sort elements in accordance with alphabetical, or counter-alphabetical order. In case of numbers - in an ascending/descending way.

Be advised - only vacation requests to which user's supervisor positive decision was made are displayed, with proper information (9). Those that were rejected, are not listed here.

As for the delete button (12) - after clicking it, HR member can delete this vacation days for user, but it delete all information related with them e.g. vacation documents(issues).

As a default feature, only present day and next period are presented. If you need to plan it in advance, then you can see when new period should start (6). To have it scheduled, press "Add new" button (7). After doing so, you will be presented with similar prompt:


As you can see, here you also have a direct possibility to amend the number of entitled days for particular user's recurring future vacations.

Such feature is useful for e.g. changes with all postgraduates who after every worked year may gain more annual leave days to be used.

By filling in mentioned value field and clicking "Add" you will add new period manually. If you don't do it manually, it will be done automatically (if you do this manually, jira job won't crate another in the same date scope). You cannot define date scope of recurring period.

In editing recurring period you are not also able to change date scope of period.

If one needs to change number of entitled days for particular, but added recurring period, then "Edit" (10) button is the answer:


Click Save to save changes.

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