What is Vacation Manager for Jira
Vacation Manager is here to help you, your hr team and all of your employees, to manage vacations in your organization. It is designed to fully integrate with Jira software, so you can easily use existing configuration without much hassle. By default, Vacation Manager uses as many out of the box Jira components as possible, so you and your users could have consistent and easy to learn and use interface all over the system.
Integration with Jira
Besides main and obvious feature: managing vacations, the main advantage of Vacation Manager plugin is an integration with Jira. We wanted to create easy to use plugin for everyone, both regular and management rank users. By doing so, we believe that one way of accomplishing this step is to use components that Jira users are already familiar with. So in Vacation Manager we tried to base our functions on Jiras' core elements that we tweaked to best match our plugin requirements.
Vacation Manager consists of one main Jira project. Within this project you can create new Vacation Types that will be automatically mapped to new Issue Type in Vacation Manager project. From here, any user in Vacation Manager User Group will be able to create new Vacation Document, that internally will be visible as a normal Issue and will be able to be filtered using JQL functions. Also all changes and actions on that Vacation Document will be logged, just like in any other issue. And on top of that, all of the Vacation Manager groups like HR, Users and Supervisors can also be mapped to your existing groups in Jira.
Key features
full integration with existing Jira and Jira user groups,
dedicated groups and permissions for Admins, HR, Supervisors and regular Users,
customizable one-time and recurring Vacation Types for many custom vacation types,
automatically created Jira project that will be used exclusively by Vacation Manager,
Vacation Documents created and managed just like any other Jira issues so they can be filtered and searched using standard JQL functions,
dedicated and easy to use Vacation Document creation screen,
calendar system for selecting holidays and free days,
HR management panel and user statistics,
highly customizable using Jira permission system and our custom fields, workflow and post functions,
...and many more!
Interested? Try trial version!
It's always best to try solution before buying it, so we strongly recommend installing Vacation Manager on your test Jira instance and checking for yourself what other helpful functionalities Vacation Manager has to offer you. Start it now by checking our installation guide.
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