Dedicated JQL functions
Since: v2.3.4 Jira: Server, Data Center
We prepared some JQL functions allowing you to easily find tickets related to user absences or to the whole team activities:
This function return list of absent users and allows you to find issues, where user from given user picker field (like assignee) is being currently absent. Function does not need any parameters, then it will return list of all users currently absent. This should be used with IN operator on user picker fields and with some limits (because otherwise it will return all documents even done and closed)
assignee in vacmanGetAbsentUsers()
assignee in vacmanGetAbsentUsers() AND statusCategory = "In Progress" ORDER BY priority
vacmanGetAbsentUsers(“userName1”, “userName2”, …)
Aboved function used with parameters, allows you to search issues where user(s) in given user picker field is currently absent. As parameter use username(s) from Jira. Function will return list of users from input parameters that are currently absent, used in JQL will return tickets related to that particular absent users. This should be used with IN operator on user picker fields and with some limitation:
assignee in vacmanGetAbsentUsers("marynelson") AND statusCategory = "In Progress" ORDER BY priority
vacmanUsersInTeam(“teamName1“, “teamName2“, …)
This function allows you to find issues involving user(s) in selected team(s). As parameter use Team name(s) from Vacation Manager. Function will return list of users in given team(s). Then it can be used to check if there are any issues related to users from particular team. This should be used with IN operator on user picker fields and some limiting JQL options:
assignee in vacmanUsersInTeam("A team") and statusCategory = "In Progress"
This will return all Jira issues where assignee belongs to “A team” and where issues are in category “In Progress”
vacmanTeamsForUser(“userName1”, “userName2”, …)
This function allows you to find issues with teams assigned to given users. As parameter use username(s) from Jira. Function will return list of Vacation Manager team names for given users. This can be used with IN operator on label fields (like “Teams“ field in Vacation Documents):
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