Automatically assigned vacation days [2.3.x]

Automatically assigned vacation days [2.3.x]

To support work of HR members in version 2.3.0 we add ability to automatically assignee vacation days to users.
In Vacation Type admin can add default values which result is that if HR member add new user to Vacation Manager team, this user automatically be assigned with vacation days.
Admin can also edit existing vacation types and add default values, but it will not overwrite previously added vacation days .

One time vacation types

Dynamics days offset

This kind of period assumes that the user wants to define the start date of the period by defining offset in format 1m 1w 1d. This offset will be added to the date when default values are given to the user in team. Like on a screen “Days offset” is 1d so user will be access tommorow. Period length is 30 days, so for the next 30 days, the user will be able to use 5 days (declared in "Days count limit"):

Fixed days offset

In this kind of period the user can specify when the vacation period starts and end by selecting a static date. In this case, when the user joins a team he will receive a static period to use his available days defined in day limit field:


Recurring vacation types

Dynamics days offset

This form of period definition allows the user to provide a dynamic offset in format 1d 1w 1m to the start of the first period. Start date is calculated from date when default values was added for user:

Fixed days offset

In this case, the admin is able to define a fixed date for the start of the first period:

Period days offset

In this case, admin can specify how many periods should be skipped from current date. This also applies for past periods:

Example usage

Remote work - new users will have ability to use this vacation type from days when they were added to any team


Feel free to tell us what topic should be covered: vacationmanager@psc-software.atlassian.net