One thread per new email [2.4.x]

One thread per new email [2.4.x]

"One thread per new email" enables to treat all emails via threads. By doing so, each of such thread can be clicked on and checked for tied with it replies.

Please bear in mind that HTML format (with its elements like i.e. bold text) of an email, will not be displayed as in originally sent message, if it was delivered, as a reply to a message that was sent via Email Task.

"Emails" tab can contain messages to which reply has been successfully added. This is visible thanks to the double arrowheads pointing downwards (1). As one can see on the below picture, only the upper message sent via Emal Task contains some replies grouped in a thread. The thread is not visible after uncloaking the messages content (2), but only clicking on pointing downwards arrowheads:

After clicking it, arrowheads are to start point upwards, making the thread with replies placed in a particular order:

Order of a thread can be changed by clicking the arrow located as presented (1) - by default the oldest messages are placed at the top, the newest ones at the bottom.

Feel free to tell us what topic should be covered: mailtask@psc-software.atlassian.net