Create Email Template [2.4.x]

Create Email Template [2.4.x]

You may perform Create mail template action by following the below presented steps.

1) Please left click on "Projects" and from the drop-down menu access a project (1) that you wish to work in:

2) Click "Add-ons" to uncloak "Mail Templates" option and then click on it. Next simply the "Create" button:

3) The Create Email Task wizard opens and should look similar to the one presented below:

Description of above presented fields:

  1. Issue type - This field defines for which issue, mail template will be in use. Each issue can be of different issue type. In turn each issue type can have different set of fields and therefore we have to make a distinction between mail templates. Mail Template dedicated for example for a  „Bug” issue type can be invalid for another issue type such as „Improvement”. While creating mail template user can insert some variables relevant for selected issue type which represents OOTB issue fields. Another issue type may lack of some of those fields – that is why we define mail template only for one particular issue type.

  2. Name - This field is obligatory.  Here you can enter anything that will be helpful for you to recognize particular mail template. This field doesn’t have to be unique across all projects and even in the same project. Internally each mail template is in fact represented by its unique ID (not by its name).

  3. Subject - This field becomes subject of the mail. You can type here anything you want in form of plain text as well as insert some variables which will be replaced by real values during mail template rendering. Variable list can be discussed later.

  4. Content - This field becomes body of the mail. Similarly as for subject field you can type here any message and additionally insert some variables which will be replaced by real values while rendering mail template.

  5. Format as - Possibility to select if the email is to be sent in HTML or Plain Text format. For full incorporation of rich text editor possibilities HTML is recommended.

  6. To - Possible to be filled after clicking on "Manage" button. You can type here user emails, logins (unique user names), groups, fields (drop-down menu with possibility to choose fields present for particular issue type that was selected at the beginning of the previous screen). You are provided with auto assistant during typing for your convenience. This field will be auto-mapped with „To” field of your mail client as well as the recipient. All users selected in this field will be considered as  recipients of the mail rendered based on an mail template.

  7. CC - Carbon Copy. Similarly as for previously described field, this element also has also been provided with an auto assistance feature, but the aim of this field is slightly different. It represents users which you want to include in mail recipients but original message is targeted to someone else. In other words it's for someone information only, so no steps are required of a CC recipient.

  8. BCC - Blind Carbon Copy. Similarly as for previously described field, this element also has also been provided with an auto assistance feature, but the aim of this field is slightly different. It represents users which you want to include in mail recipients but original message is targeted to someone else. In other words it's for someone information only, so no steps are required of a BCC recipient. This field is totally invisible in the recipients' email message, so people are not aware that a person from BCC received it.

  9. Reply To - since 2.4.x this feature abilities have been enhanced. To understand it properly (in terms of introduced possibility to reply to send emails), it is recommended to visit Incoming Emails Support [2.4.x].

  10. From - An email, or name can be set here (as currently logged-in user, set in outgoing email settings in Jira, or a custom one with alternative email and name included) and then shown in a recipient inbox mail list as chosen here.

  11. Preview - before creating please make sure that all is filled as desired.

  12. Create - final step - after pressing it, mail template is created.

       For further information please check Mail Templates' Fields [2.4.x]

Feel free to tell us what topic should be covered: mailtask@psc-software.atlassian.net