Mail Templates' Fields [2.0.x]

Mail Templates' Fields [2.0.x]

To access and see what fields are present in the template, please follow the below steps:

1) Access a project that you wish to work in (i.e. like on the below image, by using the dropdown menu visible after clicking on "Projects")

2) A new view is to be present, now you have the possibility to access MailTask by using the dropdown menu (click the little gray arrow pointing downwards and then access "Mail Templates"):

3) By doing so, you ought to get a similar view:

4) In here we can distinguish:

  • Issue type - Mail template tied with a particular issue type, will be available for selection in issues with this issue type (it'll be visible only with such an issue type, not with other issue types - i.e. in the above image mail template "test1" is available only for issue type "Task"). It determines template variables which you can use in Subject and Content of your email.

       Please refer to this documentation table of contents and check "Create Mail Template" or "Edit Mail Template" if you want to create a new one or amend an existing one.

  • Name - It's simply a name of the template must be unique per project.

  • Subject and Content - Specify your subject and content of your email. It can be useful with Rich Text Editor, where you can choose style of your email.

  • Format as - Format as option determines that the email body should be displayed as a plain text, or in html view with its features. Please bear in mind that the maximum visual enhancement effect can be only achieved if you use HTML formatting.

  • Default Recipients - You can specify three type of recipients: To, Cc and BCC. Each recipient can be one of the following type: Email, User, Group and Field. Fields comes from available fields in Issue. As the name indicates, they are to be present as default recipients, when you select particular mail template tied with an issue type. Example of default recipients management is presented on the below image:

  • ReplyTo - "Reply to" is the email address to which replies should be sent. It can be Default or Custom. When the Reply to is set to Default, the "Reply to" field in email is set to an email address of a sender. By selecting custom you get an immediate possibility to enter new email address.

       For more information and more details about those elements please refer to Create Mail Template [2.0.x]

Feel free to tell us what topic should be covered: mailtask@psc-software.atlassian.net