Create new issue [3.5.x]
1. Select project (1) and click Create button (2). Row for new issue will be created.
An alternative way of creating a new issue, is by entering a "%" sign in a first column named "Key". Note that it should be placed in a first row without any data (3):
Be advised!
Please do not edit anything in a cell with "%" sign. After clicking "Send issues to JIRA" button, its content will be replaced with proper key value.
To create issues in bulk just fill in first column with "%" signs, that would be converted to issues. The simplest way to do this is if you: move your mouse pointer over the right bottom corner of a cell with "%" sign and when cursor changes into a black cross, press left mouse button and drag it down (4):
2. Fill all required fields and confirm issue creation by clicking Send Issue to Jira (1) button:
In case of trouble with filling out the new row with data, please refer to the Color Legend (2). The location of it (how to enable it) is presented on the screen above (3).
Note: Creating multiple issues in bulk:
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