Excel 365 Connector for Jira

Excel 365 Connector for Jira

We released new app: Excel 365 Connector for Jira

App availability on Jira hosting solutions:

When we developed Excel Connector (back in 2012), desktop applications where the most important. Every work station in company could have different Excel version installed, or .NET version. From developers & testers perspective it was a nightmare We were receiving requests, which app couldn’t fulfill at that time. We worked very hard to make Excel Connector stable (with our bug fixing) while bringing new features.

But the World is changing and we had to do it too. We decided to move forward with creating new generation of Excel Connector → Excel 365 Connector. It is a completely new app (yet founded on same principles), with different technology stack. We had to make new app from the ground up, encountering problems we didn’t expect. The main difference is that apps for Office 365 suite, are more like an embedded websites, than standalone programs. It was quite challenging, but we know what were our goals:

  • Compatibility with Excel 365,

  • App availability for macOS users

  • Allowing to work in browser

We did all of that and Excel 365 Connector was released on Aug 19, 2020 !

If you would like to know more here is a link to getting started section from app documentation

At the bottom of the site, there are login details for demo user, to play around

Why are we telling you about this?

We believe in the future Excel 365 Connector will fully replace Excel Connector and we want to help you transition to this new solution.

We would like to offer a special discount for our Server and Data Center clients. If you are interested in app, tested it with trail license and would like to get it with special discount: contact us on EC365 Customer Portal with details about your Excel Connector license.

For our Cloud clients: Finally, there are Promotions available on marketplace to grant discounts on Cloud apps!


Benefits of moving to Excel 365 Connector

  1. App is available on MS Store and can be installed with few clicks (app needs to be installed and licensed in Jira)

  2. Availability for macOS users

  3. Allowing to work in browser

  4. Excel 365 Connector uses latest technology (compared to outdated .NET SDK used in Excel Connector)

  5. Enforced security - Excel 365 Connector communicates only over HTTPS

    1. Cloud version uses oAuth 2.0

  6. All users have the same app version

  7. App will be updated automatically. It means that users will get:

    1. Bugs fixed quicker - sometimes even before bug is noticed on customer end

    2. New features available faster

  8. Active data validation - you can see invalid fields even before sending changes to Jira

  9. Ability to select visible fields (columns) in sheet - huge performance improvement

    1. If you need data from any column - in fields configuration use show button, data will be pull automatically

  10. Since it’s a brand new product our customers have a huge impact on the direction of development. Our current development focus on:

    1. Ability to create issue structures: starting with tasks and subtasks

    2. Templates to be filled with data from issues

Feel free to tell us what topic should be covered: excelconnector@psc-software.atlassian.net