Managing layout [3.5.x]
In Search and Options group on the ribbon you will find features which help you organize issues you have on the spreadsheet.
In Search text box (1) type in the phrase you like to find. The matching rows will remain visible, and the rows which do not contain your query will be hidden (filtered out).
To remove filtered results and get back to an original view, please press filter button twice (2)
Sort your issues in alphabetic order by clicking on the column you would like to sort by and then clicking one of the buttons next to Sort label (3).
Sorting may cause your sub-tasks to be put far away from parent tasks. In order to prevent that, select Preserve Grouping While Sorting checkbox and your sub-tasks will stick to their parents after sorting.
Re-ordering columns
To hide some of the columns, you can use the Manage visible columns button (4). You can also move selected column left or right by clicking buttons on both sides of Re-order Selected Column label (5).
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