Export issues using Excel Connector Export [3.4.x]

Not available on Jira Cloud

Since version 3.4.0 we are bringing back built in Jira feature allowing to export issues to Excel.

Now you can easily download issues from the filter, and save it to a excel spreadsheet file. 

This feature could be used as an alternative to .csv export, you can find it Export options

When you download spreadsheet it will give you very simple and clean view like this:

But... if you installed Add-in you can do much more! 

  1. From downloaded spreadsheet log in to your Jira instance:

  2. Click the refresh spreadsheet button:

  3. Now you have all of the issues updated!

Notice that issue keys changed into issue links and some of the not editable columns changed colours

Issues were 'refreshed' based on the issue keys from the first column.

Feel free to tell us what topic should be covered: excelconnector@psc-software.atlassian.net