Using variables in auto-summary fields can be a useful way to dynamically insert content into a summary. For example, you might use a variable to insert the current date or the title of the document being summarized.
To use variables in an auto-summary field, you will need to use a special syntax that includes the variable name enclosed in curly braces. For example, to insert the start date, you might use the following syntax: ${startDate}.
Here are a couple examples of using variables,y ou can use them by pasting the example into your Jira instance:
Examples for daily time periods:
${reporter} will be on ${vacationType} from ${startDate} to ${endDate} - (${vacationDays} days).
John Doe will be on Annual Leave from 01/Jan/23 to 24/Jan/23 - 7 days
${reporter} has requested a ${vacationType}. Available time: ${availableTime}, used time: ${usedTime}. ${supervisor}, please review and approve/deny.
John Doe has requested a Summer Vacations. Available time: 20 days, used time: 10 days.
Kate Kowalski, please review and approve/deny.
${reporter} will be taking a vacation from ${startDate} to ${endDate}, falling under the ${workweekScheme} workweek scheme.
John Doe will be taking a vacation from 01/Jan/23 to 10/Jan/23, falling under the Office workweek scheme.
${reporter} has requested a vacation. Current available time is ${availableTime}, used time is ${usedTime}, and carryover time is ${carryOverTime}.
John Doe has requested a vacation. Current available time is 20 days, used time is 10 days, and carryover time is 10 days.
${reporter} has submitted a request for a ${vacationType} from ${startDate} to ${endDate}, totaling ${vacationDays} days.
John Doe has submitted a request for a Annual Leave from 01/Jan/23 to 10/Jan/23, totaling 7 days.
${supervisor}, please be advised that ${reporter} will be taking a ${vacationType} from ${startDate} to ${endDate}, totaling ${vacationDays} days.
Kate Kowalski, please be advised that John Doe, will be taking Sick leave from 15/Jan/23 to 18/Jan/23, totaling 3 days.
Examples for half daily time periods:
You can use the same special variables as in daily time period, plus additional variable: ${vacationHalfOfDay}
${reporter} will be taking a ${vacationType} on ${startDate}, for ${vacationHalfOfDay}. All responsibilities will be delegated during this time.
John Doe will be taking a private leave on 23/Jan/23, for 1st half. All responsibilities will be delegated during this time.