Table view below the timeline in details
Each of added Staffing Timeline macros on a page, offers an ability to present a standalone table with incorporated resources and activities. As mentioned, it reflects particular macro's activities and resources usage. By default its hidden and can be made visible when you access a page with added Staffing Timeline macro (in a read-only mode),then go to "Settings" (1) and tick "Show table" (2) option from the drop-down menu. When ✓ sign is present next to it, then you can see after a while table being loaded (3). Its content is described below.
So called "table" in fact mirrors graphical pattern located above it, but in a text form. As in the above-presented example, the same resources (4) are represented several times. This is because particular "resource" can be assigned simultaneously to different activities (5). This can be quickly discovered, by spotting proper dates located under Start/End Date (6). If any activity has been tagged with a comment, then it's also visible in the "Comment" (7) section.
Any content of columns marked with numbers 4 - 7 can be sorted in an alphabetical or reverse-alphabetical way for those containing letters and in ascending/descending way for those containing numeric values. This is done by pressing each of column title (i.e. to soft activities in an alphabetical way click simply on "Activity"). Any content present in those fields can also be filtered out, by typing a needed value or word into a "Filter" (11) field. Found information is displayed in real time (so there's no need to refresh page or press enter).
In addition to that, it's possible to customize how many rows should a single page of a table to contain. After pressing "Rows number" (9) it's possible to chose between: 10, 25 and 100. Proper setting selection helps to avoid skipping through too many pages (10) of a table.
As for the "Action" column - content of each row is cloaked under the tripple-dot button. After clicking on it you can expect to see a menu with options like:
Focus (2) - upon clicking onto it, in the above macro you are to be taken to a particular resource, or activity. All depends of which timeline view you have selected before pressing it. In the above example, after clicking "Focus" a resource marked with number three (3) is to be highlighted and macro view is to be centered onto it. Moreover, red "x" symbol (responsible for quickly removing it form a graph) is to become visible on its right side. After focusing an item on the timeline, its frame color also changes (you should be able to spot its border yellow glow). Found element since version 3.1.0 can be quickly reordered.
In case of long timeline (i.e. taking multiple years of activity), this can surely limit unnecessary and frustrating scrolling through the cluttered graph and enables to find what's really important (in regards to both activities and resources) in no time.
The below options are not dependent of chosen timeline view and always focus on an assigned resource activity (which of course can be modified in a desired way):
Copy (4) - offers an ability co make an exact copy of chosen assignee activity:
Edit (5) - offers an ability to edit chosen assignee activity:
Delete - irreversibly removes particular assignee activity from a Staffing Timeline macro (6):
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