Jira advanced configuration [DC]

Jira advanced configuration [DC]

Log in as administrator and go to “Manage apps” (1). Then go to Docusign Credentials (2). There are options like API Account ID (3), Integration Key (4), Secret Key (5) those are needed to connect our Jira with DocuSign api, to get those values and perform Jira initial setup please check Jira initial setup [DC]

Docusign Credentials


Docusign URL Configuration (1) - you can customize URLs that point on particular DocuSign part of the application. Account's Base URI (2) is pointing on particular DocuSign environment. OAuth URL (3) points on DocuSign authorization environment.

Docusign URL Configuration

Here you have the endpoints that are responsible for:

Account’s Base URI: https://{server}.docusign.net

OAuth URL:

  • https://account-d.docusign.com/oauth for the developer sandbox

  • https://account.docusign.com/oauth for the live production system


server - name of the Docusign server to which the addon is connected for example:demo,eu2

And OAuth is mentioned here :https://developers.docusign.com/platform/auth/reference/user-info/


Proxy Settings (1) - if you use proxy here you can provide proxy Host (2) and Port (3) if you want to use proxy



Envelope Configuration (1) - at Select Projects (2) you need to define projects on which DocuSign and documents signing will be enabled. Anchor String (3) is used to define on which document keyword application will assign sing component during document signing. OffsetX (4) and OffsetY (5) is used to define how much offset should be made between Anchor String (3) and Sign Component (6)