Contacts Actions options in details

Contacts Actions options in details

As presented, "Actions" consist of three options:

  1. Edit:

Upon clicking on it, "Edit Contact" prompt opens, where you can amend: "Company name" (1), Tax Number tied with edited entity (2) as well as contact's description (3).

After all amendments are made, you may simply click "Save and close" (4) - presented prompt will close and changes will be saved. If additional members edition of an accessed contact is needed, press "Save and go to members" (5) button. To discard all changes simply click on "Close" (6).


2. Edit Members:

Enables to quickly edit (7) already existing member's name (1), position (2), phone number (3), or email address (5). Here it is also possible to add new members of a contact by using add member (6) button, where all of mentioned positions must be filled to add it successfully.

Please pay attention to country code - it is obligatory for it to proceed phone number. More information is included under help (4).

You can go directly to "Edit contact" screen when you click on "Back to company" (9). If all changes are made, or you do not wish to amend anything, simply click on "Close" (10).


3. Delete:

Last of Action's options, enables to delete desired contact (company):

Action is irreversible and includes all contact's members inside it. Use with caution.

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