Issue Links Viewer 2.0

Big Change

We decided that Issue Links Viewer have a great potential and there are lots of features we would like to add.
In order to do so we decided that we need to change this addon from free version into paid (and supported app)
For our Customers using Server version 1.x:
You can still download the latest free version from the marketplace history page: (We are hoping that you decide to upgrade (smile) )
For our Cloud user:
Due to technology involved in updating and development of cloud apps (cloud users have always the latest version of the app, without possibility to get back to older version), you need to decide if you keep using this version and convert to paying customer or ... if you like what you have and don't want any updates: Please instal version Lite: Issue Links Viewer Lite which is a full copy of you current version of Issue Links Viewer but will stay as it is: without updates, new features but still free.

What comes with latest version 2.0

New features:

New Documentation:
You can read more about the features and see them in action

Customer Portal:
If you have any questions, we are here to help you