Linking issues [Data Center]

Linking issues [Data Center]

Issue Links Viewer allows users to quickly link two issues displayed in a graph. To link issues:

  • Right-click issue that link should come from and select "Add link to..." (1).

Dotted line from the selected issue to mouse pointer should appear:

  • Move pointer to issue that link should come into. Dotted line should become bold (2)

  • After releasing mouse key, dialog will appear. In it, select proper link type from a list (3):


  • Page should refresh itself and after its reloading process ends, you should be able to see a linked issue by double clicking on an issue, out of which a tie has been made. It's possible to have multiple links between two issues as well. Each of it is visible on the graph and they are separated from each other with semicolon (4).

Swap issues to change linking direction

This feature allows you to swap places of the linked issues, if you started linking process from the issue ILV-11 to issue ILV-10, with a push of the button (1) you can change the direction to link from ILV-10 to ILV-11


Add a Comment while linking issues

Just like in Jira, easily add comments while linking issues, type the comment (1) and link issues with create button (2)


Remember that, comment will be added to first issue 


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Feel free to tell us what topic should be covered: issuelinksviewer@psc-software.atlassian.net