Available Vacation Types

As an admin you can display all available Vacation Types using Vacations Types tab located in Jira AdministrationManage apps (1) ➜ Vacations Types (2). All Vacation Types will be available for user to choose from on Vacation Document creation screen.

Deleting Vacation Types

To delete Vacation Type simply click Delete button near chosen Vacation Type you want to remove (1). Please note that this operation will delete all data for that Vacation Type form database and remove Issue Type from VACMAN Issue Type Scheme. However Issue Type and all Issues created for this Vacation Type will be left intact.

Adding new Vacation Type

You can add new Vacation Type from Available Vacation Types screen using Add new Vacation Type button (1):

Currently there are two main types you can create: One time and Recurring Vacation Types (1):

One time




Automatically assigned vacation days

In One time and recurring types there is ability to automatically assigned vacation days for users. More information you can find: Automatically assigned vacation days [2.3.x]

Next Vacation Manager admin configuration - JIRA Integration Elements