Create Mail Template [1.2.x]

In order to create mail template perform Create mail template action:

The Create Mail Task wizard opens.

Description of fields

  1. Name - This file is required. To this field you can enter anything that will be helpful for you to recognize particular mail template. This field doesnā€™t have to be unique accross all project and even the same project. Internally each mail template is in fact represented by its unique id.

  2. Issue type - This field defines for which issue mail template will be in use. Each issue can be of different issue type. In turn each issue type can have different set of fields and therefor we have to make a distinction between mail templates. Mail Template created fo ā€žBugā€ issue type can be invalid for another issue type such as ā€žImprovementā€. While creating mail template user can insert some variables relevant for selected issue type which represents OOTB issue fields. Another issue type may lack of some of this fields ā€“ that is why we define mail template per issue type.

  3. Make shared - By selecting this checkbox creator of the mail template allows other users to use such template. Other users can send mails using this template, but they doesnā€™t have permissions to edit and delete actions(Except Administrator). 4.Add user(s) to receivers list -You can type here user logins (unique names), user full names and user emails. You are provided with auto assistant durring typeing for convenience. This field will be maped to ā€žToā€ field of your mail client. All users selected in this field will be considered as an reciepients of the mail rendered basing on mail template.

  4. Add user(s) to carbon copy receivers list - Similarly as for previously described field this field also has auto assist feature, but the meaning of this field is slighty different as it represents users which you want to include in mail reciepients but oryginaly message is targeted to someone else.

  5. Select issue role(s) -Besides of two previously described fields user can choose one of four predefined roles for which he also want to send mail. For example there is ā€žAssigneeā€ and ā€žReporterā€ role which while choosen means that mail should be also addressed to user who is assigned to specific issue and user who has created that issue. You can select more than one role by holding ctrl button while selecting.

  6. Select issue role(s) to carbon copy receivers - Similarly as for previously described field this field. Represents user role(s) which you want to include in mail reciepients but oryginaly message is targeted to someone else.

  7. Subject - This field becomes subject of the mail. You can type here anything you want in form of plain text as well as insert some variables which will be replaced by real values durring mail template rendering. Variable list can be discussed later.

  8. List of labels that can drag and drop in subject or body inputs. It will result in addition new tag representing dropped field or custom field.

  9. body - This field becomes body of the mail. Similarly as for subject field you can type here any message and additionally insert some variables which will be replaced by real values while rendering mail template.

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