Querying issues from MS Excel [3.3.x]

Querying issues from MS Excel [3.3.x]

 Before undertaking any of following actions, please save file locally with .xlsx extension. Otherwise you may encounter this error: "Cannot render Jira worksheet in this file due to column file limit. Please make sure you are using Excel Connector in .xlsx file."

Fetching issues from JIRA

You can do it in two different ways:

  1. Using your filters saved in Jira

    • Expand the combobox in the Filters section and choose desired filter (1)

    • Click Get Issues button (2)

If you want to update your current sheet and leave your changes intact, use Append to existing issues option (3). By doing so, new issues will be added to the bottom of the sheet without removing those you already have.

 Each time you press Get issues button the following prompt will appear:


This indicates that data is being loaded from Jira to your sheet and you will soon see it begin to fill.


2. Using custom JQL queries

  • Instead of expanding the combobox, just type your JQL query in there (shows example JQL query: Reporter = admin)

  • Click Get Issues button (2)

Getting issues from multiple filters / JQL queries

If you want to download issues from sevral different filters or JQL querries at the same time  just check Append to existing issues checkbox (marked with number 3 on the above picture) before pressing Get Issues button. New issues will simply be appended to the end of your issue list.

"Favourite Filters" from Jira in Excel Connector

You can find each JQL query you save as filter in Jira (1), in Excel's Connector Filters dropdown (2):

After selecting filter and pressing "Get Issues" button, you will get same issues in Excel as from filter in Jira.


Example JQL query

The following scenario is an example of creating JQL query in Jira, and then using the same jql querry to import your issues to excel.


  1. Log in to Jira as any user with adequate access rights for a particular project.

  2. Select "Issues" drop-down menu and then "Search for issues"


3. In order to use and view JQL queries switch to advanced search:


4. Type your JQL querry. Tips will appear in the drop-down below text field when you start to write, showing all comands starting with typed letter.

 For more information about syntax, please refer to Syntax Help at the bottom of the drop-down → https://docs.atlassian.com/jira/jcore-docs-076/Advanced+searching.


4. When writing correct query and pressing Enter results will appear in the window below. 

As you can see in the images above and below results of JQL "type = Bug AND assignee = admin" are the same. 

5. After you pulled the metadata from Jira (by creating a new issue or by pulling issues from Filter or JQL), you can get issues just by typing their issue key in the 'Key' column and pressing 'Refresh issue' from the ribbon. Here is an example:

Pulled issue

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