Admin Configuration [1.2.x]

Admin Configuration [1.2.x]

This section allows the JIRA administrator manage the Vacation Manager configuration.

It contains three sections Configure Vacation Manager where administrator is able to change:

  • Auto-summary - option allows to hide the summary field in Vacation Document creation views. Summary will be hidden and filled automatically by value defined in Auto-summary text field.

  • Auto-summary text - field defines how will be generated the summary field value. To describe it you can yse special variables:

    • reporter - represents reporter of issue,

    • supervisor - represents a supervisor chosen by reporter while creating issue,

    • startDate - represents date when vacation starts,

    • endDate - represents date when vacation ends,

    • vacationDays - represents days count used by vacation,

    • vacationType - represents vacation type - recurring or one time,

    • details - represents additional details entered when creating a vacation document.

  • HR manage users - option allows for users from HR group modify users in user group defined in vacation manager. As the groups in Vacation Manager are real jira groups, so HR has privileges to modify them. Normally only administrators can manage groups,

  • HR manage supervisor group - as above but allows to modify users in supervisor group,

  • Recalculate vacation hours - in Vacation Manager all recurring type vacations are extended by the end of the period, and if carry over option is selected the unused days will be rewritten to next period. So this option specify when such actions will be executed.

Second sections presents which groups are defined in Vacation Manager, by click Edit groups administrator will see next view to change these groups.

For each group type administrator is able to change it value. More about groups Vacation Manager Groups and Permissions

Create new schemes option specifies if actual schemes(e.g. permission, notification) in Vacation manager project will overwritten by new created or not. If the option NO is selected old schemes with old groups will remain assigned to project and administrator should modify them yourself, if option YES is selected new schemes will be created and assigned to project but these schemes do not base on old ones, it will be basic Vacation Manager schemes without any changes provided by user in previous schemes. Previous schemes will not be deleted administrator should do it yourself.

Third one "Delete data" is deleting Vacation Manager data, if you use button inside this section it will delete all Vacation Configuration data but it will not delete components created by Vacation Manager in JIRA, administrator has to it himself. Before deleting data warning window appears to confirm this action. 


Next Vacation Manager admin configuration - Managing Vacation Types

Feel free to tell us what topic should be covered: vacationmanager@psc-software.atlassian.net