Ability to overview user's days off in a period of vacation request by a supervisor [2.2.x]

Ability to overview user's days off in a period of vacation request by a supervisor [2.2.x]

Page aims to focus on content of Section A and Section B (aka "Vacation document" section) - as illustrated and mentioned without details here, however from supervisor's point of view.

Be advised

Manager sees a created issue from a requesting employee perspective. If such user after some time of work starts also to belong to another team(s) and has different managers, some actions for an initial user manager may not give expected outcome (after clicking on other team names) - detailed explanation is provided below.

2.2.x version features have been implemented in order to assist supervisor with providing information about:

  • Period type requested (1);

  • Total number of days (including weekends and bank holidays) in particular request (6) vs factual number of used vacation days of an employee's quota (2);

  • Calendar used within particular leave request - present in "holiday scheme" (4);

  • Information whether user's leave incudes off-work days i.e. bank holidays and weekends - as presented in general outlook under "workweek scheme" (5) and summarized with details included, under "free days during requested vacation" (7).

Moreover, when it comes to user who belongs to multiple teams (in other words - an employee who has two different managers), just like in the below presented case, his line manager is quickly able to spot it under "Teams" (3) and "Show in team calendar" (8).

After clicking any listed item under "Teams" you are to be redirected to search results containing all requests containing both labels ("Team_1" and "Team_2", excluding those containing only "Team_1" or "Team_2" label).

Manager is able to see calendars' content only of a Team that he is a head of. In the above presented scenario, only "Team 1" calendar content can be successfully displayed( even when supervisor clicks on "Team 2" he is to be redirected to his team's calendar view - in this case "Team 1" calendar):

As presented above, newly approved leave is marked with red border.

In addition to that any leave-related time frame is clickable. After doing so you can see a summary of a request and open desired vacation document directly from a calendar view:

In the above presented example user's supervisor can quickly spot and reject those requests that do not have any sense to stay accepted (already accepted period extends way beyond vacation not approved yet).

Feel free to tell us what topic should be covered: vacationmanager@psc-software.atlassian.net