The Scheduler: Set issue security level

The Scheduler: Set issue security level

Added a custom permission “The Scheduler: Set security level” to scheduler to allow user to create scheduled issue with security level, even if user doesn’t have permission to create scheduled issue with security level.

Where is it located and what is it called?

This permission is called The Scheduler: Set issue security level and can be found in company-managed projects in Project Settings → Permissions right above The Scheduler: Use permission.

Location of The Scheduler: Set issue security level

What is it for?

It was added to allow users to create SIs with security level without the need to grant the standard Jira permission Set Issue Security permission. With only The Scheduler: Set issue security level users can work with Scheduler and create SIs with security level.

Before using Scheduler

You have to grant a permission so Security Level field will be visible in SI Wizard. Go to Project Settings → Permissions and scroll down to Set Issue Security. Then you have to have at least one of the following:

  • atlassian-addons-project-access project role

Granted atlassian-addons-project-access project role
  • The Scheduler user

When one of those permissions is set Security level field will be visible in SI Wizard.

Now you can grant The Scheduler: Set issue security level for users and users can create SIs without the need for Set Issue Security permission.

Feel free to tell us what topic should be covered: thescheduler@psc-software.atlassian.net