"Request type" field

Adding “Request type” field to the screen of the project

When Jira Service Project is created Request type field when creating Scheduled Issue should be visible for you.

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Scheduled Issue Request type visibility


Request type field is not supported for subtasks due to Jira restrictions.

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Manage subtasks Request type visibility


However if you’re not seeing Request type field in Scheduler in your project there might be a problem with settings of your screens for your project - Request type field is not added to the screen of your project.

In order to add “Request type” field to the screen of your project click on Settings (top right corner) → Issues → Custom fields. Find Request type and on the right side click More (3 dots) and Associate to Screens. In there find prefix of your project for example:

Make sure that for Request type all checkboxes are selected. When you return to your project and start creating SI the Request type field should be available for you now.


Adding new “Request types”

Go to Project Settings → Request types. In there on the left side select work category.

Create blank

Click Create Request type, choose create blank.

Chose what group this request is available in and click “Create”.

After that new Request type is available. You can add additional fields to that Request type if you need.

Create from template

Click Create request type, choose create from template and select Request type you need.

Select issue type following Request type should be assigned to, select Portal group and click Save.

After that new Request type is available. You can add additional fields to that Request type if you need.

Post request type creation

New Request type will be added to the work category you were in. In order to switch work category of Request type on the right side click More → Change work category.

Select which work category should request type be switched to then click Continue and Confrim.

Request type will be now moved to selected work category.

“Request type” in Scheduler

During SI creation in 2nd step switching Request type will switch issue type accordingly to settings of your project. Switching issue type will switch Request type too but request type will be one that is on top of the list in work categories.

Feel free to tell us what topic should be covered: thescheduler@psc-software.atlassian.net