Short Description of The Scheduler Functionality [5.x]

Short Description of The Scheduler Functionality [5.x]

The Scheduler plugin is designed for automatic issue creation at desired time, date, chosen interval, after certain workflow issue transition or when you need this task to be created with manual execution!

Our app supports all Jira issue types with almost all fields available on create issue screen (attachment field is not supported). Beside creating a single issue, you can schedule creating issue with subtask, or just a subtask to already existing in Jira issue.


How does it actually work?

Scheduled Issues are just like templates for newly created issues. Every project in your Jira can have its own Scheduled Issues. You can create Scheduled Issue going through easy 3 step wizard starting from "0" and filling all the details or just by scheduling already existing in Jira issue - this way all issue details will be filled in the wizard for you (to speed up the process). For each Scheduled Issue on the 1st step of the wizard you can set additional details like name and description - to describe what is for.

Each of Scheduled issues uses fields set from create issue screen is the same like during manually creation issue in Jira (except mentioned earlier attachments). You can use build in predefined variables (dependent on creation / due date) and dynamically place them in summary and description fields. 

Scheduled Issue can have multiple triggers set, that will create new issues when the time comes. You can define triggers on 3rd step of the wizard, for that you can use simple built-in wizard or you can also define more advanced creation conditions by using standard Cron Expressions. You can define multiple triggers for each Scheduled Issue.

Scheduled Issues are assigned to the project, therefore in each project you can see only Scheduled Issues created for that project. Creator of the Scheduled Issue can manage its access rights, but Jira Administrators can manage all Scheduled Issues.

Jira Administrators can set plugin access permissions to allow creating Scheduled Issues for the specified roles, groups or single users.


The Scheduler was designed to be fully Data Center compatible. 

Feel free to tell us what topic should be covered: thescheduler@psc-software.atlassian.net