Basic scenario to create a scheduled job

Basic scenario to create a scheduled job

  1. Go to project's overview tab and choose "Scheduled Issues" link.

  2. In order to create new scheduled job press "Create Scheduled Issue" button.

  3. Name your new scheduled job and describe it (make it descriptive to be able to identify it faster). Choose project and issue type you want to create regularly.

  4. Fulfill all the fields for the issue type you chose in previous step.

  5. Set triggers: Daily, once per day at 9am. Daily, every 2 hours from 8am to 5pm.  Weekly, on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, once per day at 9am (Staring November 1st) Monthly, at first day of every month at 8 am. Monthly, at last Friday of every month at 8am.

  6. Press "Add Trigger". Note that you can add as many triggers you want.

  7. End Scheduled Job creation wizard by pressing "Create" button.

Feel free to tell us what topic should be covered: thescheduler@psc-software.atlassian.net