Manage Scheduled Issues - Administrators [4.x]

Manage Scheduled Issues - Administrators [4.x]

Since version 3.2.8 Scheduled Issues are private, so no one except creator and JIRA administrators can interfere in other user's SI. JIRA Administrators can access to all Scheduled Issues from JIRA instance from Manage Scheduled Issues page.

Manage Scheduled Issues page can be accesed from JIRA Administration, in the Add-ons section (Projects section in pre 4.0.5 version):

It's possible to define what columns should be displayed in the table:

It's possible to define how many rows (Scheduled Issues) should be displayed on one page in the table:

It's possible to limit displayed Scheduled Issues by applying the filter:

With row actions it's easy to execute set of actions against exact Scheduled Issue:


Feel free to tell us what topic should be covered: thescheduler@psc-software.atlassian.net