Global graph [2.x Cloud]

Global graph [2.x Cloud]

To access Issue Links Viewer's Global Graph view please go to "Search" (1). Entering anything to a search field is not crucial - you can just press enter with nothing entered. When you do so, search results including all existing issues from all projects are to be displayed nonetheless. To access global graph head to this icon (2):

This graph displays all issues that match provided search criteria - if they were not specified earlier you can use below presented, built-in Jira filters to limit the number of displayed connections in a global graph:

By doing so you can limit a sheer number of displayed interproject links and as in presented case, see all of links withing one particular project (here in contrary to ordinary graph, linked issues are not cloaked, but displayed in full visibility by default):

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Feel free to tell us what topic should be covered: issuelinksviewer@psc-software.atlassian.net