Filtering [2.x Cloud]

Filtering [2.x Cloud]

Issue details graph allows to filter displayed issues. There are four available filters:

  • Link type (1)

  • Issue type (2)

  • Issue status (3)

  • Priority (4)

Only issues that match selected criteria are displayed. Criteria are defined by selecting proper options from filters' drop down menus. For linked issue to be displayed, during selection,  it has to match at least one option from each available filters.

The content of the drop-down menus' of filters, reflects options available only in the displayed graph's issues:

The above images present situation where nothing out of possible filters were selected. However, when one does so, then the displayed content's display should shrink.


The below example present a situation where Link Type was set to display only the "Relates" and "Git Code Review" types of it, whilst Issue Type filtering was not yet altered:

In addition, when only one Issue Type, "Story" becomes selected, then further modification of the graph is to take place, to show as an effect:

Right bottom corner of the graph contains information how many issues have been hidden because of the applied filtering (in other words - how many issues do not meet any of the criteria set by the filters).


There might be a situation when an issue that matches all of set criteria is hidden. It is because such issue has no connection to a root issue due to another one that doesn't match criteria.

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