Key components [1.0]

Key components [1.0]

After successful installation, please open any already created issue type - what you should see is a new tab:

Please access it and then you ought to get a similar view as presented below:

When you right click on an issue you will be provided with an access to the drop down menu:


  • "Open selected issue in new tab" enables to open the highlighted issue in a new browser's tab,

  • "Expand" enables to see connections of the highlighted issue with other linked issues (see below):


After clicking on a node and choosing "Expand" on a node you ought to receive view of the linked issues with it:

To get a more complex network of connections, you need to either double click on any of a node which contains linked issue, or to use "Expand" option. As a result you ought to receive pretty astonishing view:

As mentioned - an alternative way to expand/collapse view is simply to choose any node on the graph and just double-click on it.

Please be advised that at current state there's no way to automatically expand all of the nodes, so you need to double click on each to expand it, or to use the "Expand" option. In case of collapsing all connections to a single node, please double click on a node with bold frame and a different than the rest shade of a blue.

Feel free to tell us what topic should be covered: issuelinksviewer@psc-software.atlassian.net