Templating [v1.5.0]

Templating [v1.5.0]

Since v1.5.0


We are introducing templating feature allowing to insert variables into spreadsheet and fill it with specified issue data. It can be used for creating templates and fill it in real time (powered by Excel).


In current version (v1.5.0), feature works on fetched issues into spreadsheet, in future it would to search for Jira issues

Here you can see the basic usage instruction

  1. Fetch issues from Jira to spreadsheet


  2. Navigate to Templating section


  3. Select issue (from fetched), tt will show new elements:


    1. Variable prefix - text, which will be placed before variable


    2. Select field to insert variable - with this you can search and chose fields


      Remember: those fields are related to the chosen issue, it might be different per issue type and project


  4. When you choose field, select cell in spreadsheet, then use “Set Variable” button to place it in cell. Those variables are building blocks for your templates


  5. To fill variable with data, select cell or range of cells and use the pen button


  6. Selected cells with variables will be filled with data from selected issue


  7. To revert filling up the variable use the back button

    Note: Feature works on selected range and currently reverts only 1 last changes

  8. Here you can see multiple variables placed in spreadsheet


  9. Filled with data


  10. There is a special variable “ec365..appVariable->currentDate”, which allows to add timestamp, when data was filled in template

    Filled with current data


  11. If you change the prefix, then when filling the templates only variables with current prefix will be updated

    1. Changed prefix to “newPrefix”

    2. Result on selection


We are working on further improvements of the feature, if you would like to share your feedback or ideas for improvements. Please use our dedicated Customer Portal

Feel free to tell us what topic should be covered: excel365connector@psc-software.atlassian.net