Excel Connector settings description - details and examples [3.2.x]

Excel Connector settings description - details and examples [3.2.x]

To configure Excel Connector add-in click on "Settings" (1), new dialog will appear (2).

Settings dialog is divided into four sections:

  • Performance

By default Resize columns automatically and Group subtasks and parents automatically options are enabled;

When you disable Resize columns automatically option, the columns width will not adjust automatically. Your sheet will look as shown above (1↖).

Group subtasks and parents automatically search whole sheet for parent isues and their subtasks. If both are found, it moves all subtasks under their parents issues. This option also allows you to easily hide and show subtasks by clicking on either boxes with numbers (1) or boxes with '+' and '-' (2) next to parent issue.

After pressing '+' sign, subtasks under parent will appear:

Disabling Group subtask and parents automaticaly will result in  issues and their subtasks not grouping under each other but it will make your issues load faster into your sheet.


  • Logging - by default "Debug Mode" is disabled. Its role is to collect more data in case of problems. It'll help our developers if in case of errors, user could enable Debug mode, do a faulty actions again and send us a log file found at: C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Local\Transition Technologies S.A\Excel Connector;

  • Timeout - it's the time (in seconds) that Excel Connector waits for response from Jira before displaying the timeout error. In case of slower internet connection or requests for a lot of data at the same time you can increase this value so the timeout error won't appear.

  • Time Format -  It changes format in which time is displayed in columns displaying time. User friendly option is selected by default. If you need to switch time format to seconds just select second option and refresh sheet or get new issues. Time will format as selected.

 (Look at 'Remaining Estimate' and 'Time Spent' columns on below images)

Time format Seconds - image above

Time format User friendly - image below


Feel free to tell us what topic should be covered: excelconnector@psc-software.atlassian.net