Modifying and creating issues [3.2.x]

Modifying and creating issues [3.2.x]

You can edit your issues in MS Excel sheet and then apply the changes in JIRA. Every cell that you edit will change color to orange color and whole row will become yellow. This way you can easily track changes you made in excel sheet.

In order to apply these changes just click Send Issue to JIRA button (1). You will be asked to confirm and if everything was filled in correctly, after pressing "Yes" button on "Confirmation" prompt (2),  the rows will turn back white.

Creating new issues

There are three ways to create new issue.

Using the ribbon

  • Select project for a new issue and click Create button (1).

  • A new row representing the new issue will be created at the bottom of your existing issues.

  • Fill in any required/desired fields and click Send Issue to JIRA button (2)

Manually creating an issue

  • When using the ribbon to create an issue (1), you may have noticed that it creates a row with a "%" sign in the issue key field.

  • You can do the same manually - just navigate to the first empty row and insert “%” sign in the issue key column. For more detailed information about such way for an issue(s) creation please refer to Create new issue [3.2.x] page.

  • Fill in the project and issue type cells and excel will mark available and required cells for you. Required cells must be filled, otherwise a prompt "Validation error" (3) will be present.

  • Fill in any desired fields and click Send Issue to JIRA button (2).

"Cloning" existing issues

  • Simply copy the whole row containing an issue you want to clone and then paste it directly below the row containing last issue.

  • Delete the issue key of the newly pasted row and replace it with “%” sign.

  • You can modify some of the fields, or simply click Send Issue to JIRA button (2) to create a new issue

  • This way, you can easily create new issues using the existing ones as some sort of a blueprint

    In order to approve your changes click Send issues to JIRA button (2). If everything was filled in correctly your changes will be applied in JIRA. If you forget to fill in mandatory fields you will be prompted and the cells will be marked with red color (3).


Feel free to tell us what topic should be covered: excelconnector@psc-software.atlassian.net