Installing the MS Excel Add-in [3.2.x]

Installing the MS Excel Add-in [3.2.x]



  • Make sure that the installer version matches the add-on version (two first digits are crucial - when you install e.g. 3.2.0 add-on from the marketplace, then you can install the latest version of the Excel add-in like 3.2.11)

  • Each person who wishes to use it needs to install add-in locally on their system (in some cases it can be done by windows system administrator on all workstations).

  • There are two possibilities during add-in installation: separate by each workstation's user solely for his/her Windows user account, or to be installed for everyone who is to have (or already has) Windows user's account on it.

  1. If you've previously installed any other version of Excel Connector for Jira add-in, please uninstall it using the control panel.

  2. Download the MS Excel add-in

    • You can find add-in installers in the Downloads section

  3. Run downloaded MSI installer and go through the installation process

Feel free to tell us what topic should be covered: excelconnector@psc-software.atlassian.net