Upgrading from versions older than 1.2.0

Before upgrading to 1.3.0, first you have to follow Upgrading to Vacation Manager 1.2.0 instructions.

Upgrading from version 1.2.0

(info) Before being able to do the below steps, you needs to install version 1.3.x of the add-on, then please access Vacation Manager Configuration (available in add-ons section).

For the rest of the steps presented below (1 - 5), please uncloak needed one (note that they were put in an order that you should follow accordingly and do not omit any of it):

  1. Migrate field "Details" to "Description"

    1. In Vacation Manager configuration panel scroll down to the section named Other  and click Migrate (Migrate descriptions) button
    2. On the next screen you can choose if you want to overwrite data in description field if it is not empty

    3. Click Migrate to complete migration process

    Note: Migration process will modify description fields only in issues in Vacation Manager project.

  2. Add field "Description" to "VACMAN Field Configuration".

    1. Click Issues in JIRA administration section
    2. Go to Field configurations
    3. Find field configuration used by Vacation Manager (by default it is VACMAN Field Configuration) and Configure it
    4. Search for Description field and click on its Screens operation
    5. Check Create/Edit/View screens used by Vacation Manager (by default: VACMAN Screen CreateVACMAN Screen EditVACMAN Screen View)
    6. Click Update to save changes

  3. Add new custom field "Supervisor" of type "Team User Picker (Vacation Manager)"  to "VACMAN Field Configuration". 

    1. Click Issues in JIRA administration section
    2. Go to Custom fields
    3. Click Add Custom Field
    4. Select Advanced tab and choose Team User Picker (Vacation Manager)
    5. Click Next, enter name Supervisor (you can add some description for a reference) and accept using Create button
    6. On next screen check Create/Edit/View screens used by Vacation Manager (by default: VACMAN Screen CreateVACMAN Screen EditVACMAN Screen View)
    7. Click Update to save changes
    8. Navigate back to Field Configurations, click Configure (for Vacation Manager project)
    9. Make supervisor field created in step "e" a required field
    10. Switch old supervisor field to optional (we will remove this field later)

  4. Update configuration with created "Supervisor" field.

    1. In Vacation Manager configuration click Edit fields

    2. Select newly created Supervisor field (usually newly created Supervisor field has higher ID number)
    3. Select YES in Migrate data option
    4. Click Save button to save configuration and move data in Vacation Documents from old to new Supervisor field

  5. Delete or Remove fields "Details" and "Supervisor".

    If you have successfully migrated data you can delete fields Supervisor and Details

    1. Now you can delete old Supervisor and Details fields (as those are no longer used). Navigate to Custom fields and delete Supervisor and Details fields.
    2. Some cosmetics: Navigate to Issues → Screens → find VACMAN Screen Create and click on configure - to change the order of the fields (by default fields are ordered by ID's), move Supervisor field up to its default place, below Security Level 
    3. Do the same actions for View and Edit screens

    If for some reasons you would like to keep fields Supervisor and Details, you can remove them from Vacation Manager screens without deleting those fields.

    1. Search for Details field on VACMAN Field Configuration and click on its Screens operation
    2. Uncheck Create/Edit screens used by Vacation Manager (by default: VACMAN Screen CreateVACMAN Screen Edit). You can also uncheck View screen if you made migrations from 1st step.
    3. Click Update to save changes
    4. Search for Supervisor field on VACMAN Field Configuration and click on its Screens operation
    5. Uncheck Create/Edit/View screens used by Vacation Manager (by default: VACMAN Screen CreateVACMAN Screen Edit) + view
    6. Click Update to save changes

    Note: from version 1.3.0 Vacation Manager uses Description field instead of custom field Details to store additional data from user.

After completing these steps, Vacation Manager for JIRA will be fully upgraded and ready to use with new features.

In case any questions or problems with the upgrade process you can contact with us via our Customer Portal.