
Since: v6.3.0. Jira hosting: Server, Data Center

Since: v6.3.0. Jira hosting: Server, Data Center

When you create Jira issue, it have the first status from the workflow after the create event. In software projects it might be status ‘Backlog’, when you want to transition it to another status, you use any of available transitions eg. “Start” and issue changes status into “In progress”, or “Selected for development” to add issue to issue category “To Do”.

If you are using Kanban board, you drag issues between columns to change it states. But most probably the first column is filled with selected action tasks from backlog in status other than the first one in your workflow. With backlog full of task, its easy loose track of the task which are scheduled and should be done.

The Scheduler starting with version 6.3.0, will allow you to select the desired state of created issue. Now you can Schedule issue right with the status “Selected for development” or “In progress” (see the example of template usage with: Manual Execution features )

Use this feature with caution, we didn’t want to make it over complicated.

If created issue misses required critical to completion data (from any of the steps from status create to your desired status) or fails on conditions, discuss with Jira/Project Administrator to include required fields in the create issue screen.