There are three main groups in Vacation Manager:

Every user can be in one or more groups and will have permissions from every group that he currently is. So every Supervisor or HR can be also in User Groups, so they can also create new Vacation Resuest.

All these groups are mapped to existing groups in JIRA. After setting them first time during Initial Setup you can change it later in plugins Admin Configuration.

Vacation Manager internally uses also fourth group - Admins. This group can't be configured directly in plugin settings, as all admins are getting directly from your JIRA admin list.

Users Group

Main group for end users that can create new Vacation Documents (send new vacation requests).

User can:

You can get more information for this group in Users Documentation section.

Supervisors Group

Group that users can send to Vacation Documents and accept/reject them.

Supervisor can:

You can get more information for this group in Supervisors Documentation section.

HR Group

Users in human resources group can manage

HR can:

Please keep in mind that giving permission to manage Users/Supervisors group and using existing JIRA groups can lead to potential security threat. If you don't want HR users to modify Users/Supervisors groups please disable this option in Admin Configuration for one, or both groups.

You can get more information for this group in HR Documentation section.


Admin users that are also admins in your JIRA.

Admin can:

You can get more information for this group in Admins Documentation section.

Technical details

Groups in Vacation Manager are connected to standard JIRA groups and are used in VACMAN Notification Scheme, VACMAN Permission Scheme and VACMAN Issue Security Scheme.

Supervisors Group is also used in Supervisor User Picker custom field on VACMAN Screens.

Next Vacation Manager core elements - Vacation Manager Project