After plugin is installed you have to start initialization process. You have to be logged in administrator account first and enter in "Add-ons" view.

There are two ways to do it. Either by clicking Configuration button in Manage add-ons view (note: button is localized below Vacation Manager plugin name).

Or by clicking Initialize Vacation Manager link in sidebar.

Now you should see first step view to define Vacation Manager project

There are several fields to fill:

After clicking on next button, group define view should appear

In this step you can define which groups of users will meet individual roles with specific permissions in Vacation Manager. In short, there are three groups:

Here you can read more about groups and permissions .

Click next, and you should see view to configure first vacation type.

In the third step you need to define a first Vacation Type.

There are several fields describing Vacation Type:

You can read more about Vacation Types in Vacation Type section.

Click next. Last view is summary, you can check there if parameters are correct.

Click create to create Vacation Manager configuration.

Next Vacation Manager core elements - Navigation Bar Menu [1.2.x]