
Jira hosting: Cloud, Server, Data Center

Jira hosting: Cloud, Server, Data Center

Due Date (1) field can be completed in 4 ways:

Note: By default Due Date field is a date field type (not date time), that's why the smallest period is 1d (1 day). If you would like to have due date as creation date in Dynamic due date use 0d

This field is located on the second screen of creation/edition form (available to get here on the "Set Issue Details" screen). It is present by default in all Jira Business (not Software) default projects.

Sometimes you may not see "Due Date"

This happens because all the fields on this screen (and other screens of TSP) are being taken from the Jira's fields, so if a particular field was disabled by Jira or Project admin, then you won't be able to see it here.

Moreover sometimes there are fields generated entirely by other add-ons and they may also be invisible or working in a faulty/glitch way. To resolve such issues feel free to get in touch with us.