
Jira hosting: Cloud, Server, Data Center

Jira hosting: Cloud, Server, Data Center

Users are able to clone their Schedule Issues.

Cloning in The Scheduler (Cloud)

In Cloud, there is an option to clone Scheduled Issues using “Clone” option in More actions.

Go to the Scheduled Issue table, select Scheduled Issue that you want to clone, and click “Clone” (2) in more actions (1).

After that, the Scheduled Issue Wizard should be opened. Adjust Scheduled Issue parameters and press Next button on each of three steps in total. This wizard is exactly the same as when you create a scheduled issue and consists of:

All settings and data that you provide in the wizard fields, will be applied to the copy of Scheduled Issue.

Cloning in The Scheduler (Server)

In Server, there are two ways for cloning the Scheduled Issue:

  1. Cloning Scheduled Issues using the "Clone" button in more actions

Go to the Scheduled Issue table, select Scheduled Issue that you want to clone, and click “Clone” (2) in more actions (1).

Adjust the name and description of cloned Scheduled Issue and press the Clone button:

If you decided to tick "Edit cloned issue" then after cloning it you will be taken to a newly created issue edition process.

2. Another way to perform cloning, is by entering "Scheduled Issues" (1) details page and accessing any of the already scheduled issues listed there. Next step is to find a drop-down menu "More" (2), to finally use "Clone" (3) command.