To create new Vacation request click Create (1) button on Jira navigation bar or Create new vacation request (2) depend of the view you are dialog box will appear or you will be redirected. If you were redirected, at first select proper project (VACMAN) and choose vacation type you want to create.

after selecting "Create new vacation request" you will directly see "Create Vacation Document" screen. 

after that you will see a create document view. Dialog box view may be very similar to the below one.

To create new request you have to fill some obligatory fields:

(info) Details field is a non required one, with a possibility to place a comment about particular vacation request.

Statistics diagram shows four values as in the below picture:

(warning) After you click create button, you have to remember that request won't be sent automatically to supervisor. You need to send it yourself in issue details using Send to supervisor button and then await feedback

Next Vacation Manager User - Status of user Vacation Documents