Displaying list of Vacation Documents waiting for your action

As a supervisor (4) you need to review and process all incoming Vacation Document that are assigned to you (3). Each time it happens you get a notification not only via e-mail, but also in the supervisor's menu. There you can directly see how many of such requests have been sent (1). To check all your pending Vacation Documents go to Navigation Bar MenuSupervisor MenuRequests to approve (5).

(info) Reference (1) has been marked with multiple pointers to underline that any new delivered request, to a manager, with a status "waiting for approval" (2) is indicated in the menu positions with a number in a bracket. If supervisor doesn't respond immediately, then number in the bracket is to increase correspondingly to the number of issues with aforementioned "waiting for approval" status.

From this screen you will be able to perform actions on selected Vacation Document. To get a view like the one below, click on "View Workflow" (6):

As marked with digits on workflow attached above, Supervisor have access to two states in Vacation Document:

(red star) I Waiting for approval (1) - from here Supervisor can:

(green star) II Approved (5) - after accepting document:

Next Vacation Manager User - Request user vacations