Table of Contents | ||
Time Zones in variables:
Cloud: If it’s scheduled execution, variables are interpolated using scheduled job's timezone (which is set while creating SJ). When it’s manual execution, user’s timezone is being used.
Server & Data Center: System timezone is always used (both in manual and scheduled executions)
Tip |
Since Scheduler v6.4.3 for Server & Data Center - you can uses same variables as in Cloud version. |
List of predefined variables
Legend: - available
- not available (additional information about replacement)
Note |
According to the DateTimeFormatter Java Docs (which implements the ISO-8601 specification)
More info: |
Location of predefined variable in Scheduler Cloud
For Cloud predefined variables are located under variables button in description field:
They can also be invoked by just typing a $:
Note |
To invoke list of variables at the start by typing $ there has to be empty space before that, For example using spacebar once. |
For Cloud version since v2.5.3 we have added format options for ${createdDate} and ${dueDate}. To both of these variables add .format("") and inside "" use desired date format. eg. ${createdDate.format("dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm")} .
You can use patters specified here:
Here you can see the example with quarters used in creation and due date: ${createdDate.format("'Q'Q.yyyy")} ${dueDate.format("'Q'Q.yyyy")}:
Symbol | Meaning | Presentation | Examples |
G | Era designator | text | AD |
C | Century of era (>=0) | number | 20 |
Y | Year of era (>=0) | year | 2007 |
y | Year | year | 2007 |
x | Weekyear | year | 2007 |
w | Week of weekyear | number | 27 |
e | Day of week | number | 2 |
E | Day of week | text | Tuesday; Tue |
D | Day of year | number | 189 |
M | Month of year | month | July; Jul; 07 |
d | Day of month | number | 10 |
a | Halfday of day | text | PM |
K | Hour of halfday (0~11) | number | 0 |
h | Clockhour of halfday (1~12) | number | 12 |
H | Hour of day (0~23) | number | 0 |
k | Clockhour of day (1~24) | number | 24 |
m | Minute of hour | number | 30 |
s | Second of minute | number | 55 |
S | Milisecond | number | 978 |
z | Time zone | text | Pacific Standard Time; PST |
Z | Time zone offset/id | zone |
Cloud example
You can use variables from tables as shown below:
When the actual issue gets created, the result looks as follows:
Server example
On the 2nd screen of the Scheduled Issue wizard, which is named "Set Issue Details" (1), there's a possibility to add above presented predefined variable, into the "Summary" and "Description" fields or Epic Name. In the below picture, I've presented a situation whee "fire count" (2) has been inserted into the "summary" and most of variables possible to enter I've placed in a table - it is possible to use it in "Visual" (6) mode. Left column contains variable meaning (3) and right (4) is a variable itself. In addition to that, the last row, marked in green contains customized own date format. After all was set, I've followed to the next screen by pressing "Next" (7) and saved newly created issue on the third, final screen.