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Our Ideas

Advance Worklog Counter

Tomasz Witkowski

  • zliczanie czasu subtasków

  • zliczanie czasu linkowanych tasków

  • obsługa epicków:

    • zliczanie czasu z childów

    • zliczanie czasu z childów chlidów

  • dodatkowe detailsy:

    • fancy zliczanie czasu

    • lista key - summary - czas

    • fancy logowanie czasu, z epicka do childa, z childa do epicka, z childa do childa

Quick Sketch for Confluence

Tomasz Witkowski

  • Quick Skecz tyle że na Confluence'a

Quick Sketch for Compass

Tomasz Witkowski

  • Quick Skecz tyle że na Compass’a

Timeline for Confluence

Tomasz Witkowski

  • Eventy edycji

  • Research gdzie to wpiąć

  • Research co można pokazać

    • copy,

    • comment,

    • move

    • delete

Dependencies Resolver

Damian Wileński (Unlicensed) Przemysław Stępniak (Unlicensed)

  • wyświetlić tabelę z nazwą depki, linkiem, wersją i najnowszą wersją

  • cykliczne odświeżanie tabeli

  • tworzenie tasków na Jirze z updatem

  • podanie package.json z repo (link)

  • monity o updatach, nowych ltsach

  • Research o vulnerabilities

  • Research czy można zrobić prka

Ruletka 🥳

Confluence Page Approvals

Przemysław Stępniak (Unlicensed)

  • approvale do stron,

  • lista stron z statusem

  • blokowanie widoczności stron w danym statusie

Confluence change Approval

Damian Wileński (Unlicensed)

  • commity do dokumentów

  • jak w google dockach, proponowane poprawki

  • otwieranie w nowym arkuszu

  • jakaś forma validowania

Google analytics/ any analytics for confluence

Lucas Modzelewski (Unlicensed)

  • integration of google analitics as free app

Absences Auto-Replay for JSM

Damian Wileński (Unlicensed)

Application in which we can provide replays about holidays and custom events when our whole support team is absent


  • manage custom holidays

  • manage holidays from files

  • view holidays on calendar

  • replay to clients when they will write a comment on issue when we are on holidays

  • per project configuration


  • marge holidays to ensure when users in different countries are absent (pro feature)

  • customize messages for each holidays (pro feature)

Action Items Automation

Damian Wileński (Unlicensed)

First idea:

  • application will add dedicated macro with ability to create action items

  • after end of retrospection, team lead can automatically create issues on Jira with related default values

Second idea:

  • add macro with custom action items

  • add project view to display existing action items and its status

  • add ability to export selected action items to Jira

Jira ideas from Atlassian backlog %3D JRACLOUD AND resolution %3D Unresolved ORDER BY votes DESC%2C priority DESC%2C updated DESC

Cloning issues – Issue Cloner / Ticker Cloner %3D JRACLOUD AND resolution %3D Unresolved ORDER BY votes DESC%2C priority DESC%2C updated DESC

  • Bulkowe klonowanie tasków, możliwe zaznaczenie pól do sklonowania, coś podobnego do Ticket Mergera

  • Nazwa może nawiązywać do naszej już istniejącej apki

Better Comments %3D JRACLOUD AND resolution %3D Unresolved ORDER BY votes DESC%2C priority DESC%2C updated DESC

  • lepsza struktura komentów

  • reply, show/hide replies

  • emoji, reactions, custom reactions

Bulk Edit: Time Tracking Estimates %3D JRACLOUD AND resolution %3D Unresolved ORDER BY votes DESC%2C priority DESC%2C updated DESC

change all the empty estimate issues to zero so we can then search on that,

Nested components %3D JRACLOUD AND resolution %3D Unresolved ORDER BY votes desc

As a person responsible for running the project I need to have the tools aligned with my projects' structures. My projects are organised in a large hierarchical groups of components. I need to be able to assign the JIRA issue to a whole group of components, as well as individually to any component within the system and be able to interact with issues in JIRA based on this assignment - i.e. all issues for component group, including both issues which are assigned to group as well as issues assigned to individual components within that group.


Bulk delete confluence pages %3D "Confluence Cloud" AND resolution %3D Unresolved ORDER BY votes desc

Create issues from confluence Table %3D "Confluence Cloud" AND resolution %3D Unresolved ORDER BY votes desc

Some kind ec365 but for confluence 😄

Bulk delete attachments %3D "Confluence Cloud" AND resolution %3D Unresolved ORDER BY votes desc

Jira Service Management

Ticket Merger! for JSM %3D JSDCLOUD AND resolution %3D Unresolved ORDER BY votes DESC

merge sd tickets

Issue Voter %3D JSDCLOUD AND resolution %3D Unresolved ORDER BY votes DESC