Managing dozens or hundreds of scheduled issues Scheduled Issues can be irritating and tedious, so we released some bulk operations to make The Scheduler easier to use. There are multiple actions that could be performed in a bulk way, to save you some time. All bulk actions are available when Scheduled Issues are selected
Thanks to the bulk change state, you can activate or deactivate many Scheduled Issues at the same time. Deactivation allows you to suspend unwanted executions without removing the Scheduled Issues or triggers, so you can use them again, any time after activation.
Select interesting scheduled issuesScheduled Issues
Click ‘Enable / Disable'button (’Activate / Deactivate' button in DC )
Choose desired state of selected SI
Confirm action and that's it - your tasks have changed the state!
Notice that the expired scheduled issues Scheduled Issues can not be activated or deactivated, so they will be omitted while changing states. If you would like to activate expired SI, you have to do it manually via wizard to set up new trigger.
Type phrase in filter input - just remember you can filter tasks also by state, so for instance, it's easy to filter only the expired scheduled issuesScheduled Issues.
Select Scheduled Issues
Click ‘Remove' button (’Delete' button in Server/DC) and confirm an action
And that's it, your tasks have been removed!
Bulk execute
No matter if your scheduled issue Scheduled Issue is set to manual execution, have defined triggers based on time or workflow - you can always execute them manually. From now on, you can also do it for several issues at once.
You can edit more than one scheduled issue Scheduled Issue at once, as long as they are the same issue type. To do so, you need to follow these steps: