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Jira hosting: Cloud, Server, Data Center

If you are either the creator of Scheduled Issue, JIRA administrator, or the specified Scheduled Issue was shared to with you, it is possible to access Scheduled Issue details page by clicking on the Scheduled Issue name in Scheduled Issues table.

To do it, use the drop-down menu cloaked under the "Projects" (1) to access a the desired project and then go to the below located "Scheduled Issues" to find (2) located below the "Create" button. It is possible to access Scheduled Issue details page by clicking on the any of Scheduled Issue name names in Scheduled Issues table (3):Image Removed


Scheduled Issue details page (Server)

This is how the Scheduled Issue details page looks like - it opens when you access any of the listed Scheduled Issues. Pointed sections with numbers are explained below:

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The page is split into several sections:

  • Details


  • Details (1): Here you can find basic


  • information about Scheduled Issue, like creation and last modification dates, Scheduled Issue description and additional


  • information like increasing priority or linking settings.

  • Issue Details

    (2): Issue details


  • present the most important field values that will be set on the newly created issues from this Scheduled Issue.

  • Sub-Tasks

    (3): Here you can add, edit and remove sub-tasks that will be created with the main issue. This section is visible only if Scheduled Issue has a standard (non-sub-task) issue type, and sub-tasks are enabled in


  • Jira.

  • Scheduled Issue Details

    (4): This section presents details about scheduling new issues - you can find here information


  • about the triggers, execution history, and upcoming executions in the future.

  • Execution details

This section describes the current state of Scheduled Issue and presents last and next execution dates.

  • Access info


  • Access info (5): "Access info" informs who can access this Scheduled Issue - it presents owner (creator) of the Scheduled Issue, and if creator has granted access to Scheduled Issue for other users, it will also be indicated here.

  • Execution details (6): This section describes the current state of Scheduled Issue and presents the last and next execution dates.

Scheduled Issue details page (Cloud)

The scheduled issue details page in Cloud looks a bit different.


  • Details (1): Here you can find details about the most important field values that will be placed in the issues created from this Scheduled Issue

  • People (2): This section presents details about users that will be assigned to the role of Reporter and Assignee of issue created from this SI.

  • Execute details (3): Execute details will present you additional information about execution of SI, like info about calendar that is used for executions.

  • Scheduled Subtask (4): This section includes details about subtask wrapped into subsections that relates to sections presented above: Details, and People.