Versions Compared


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This section allows the JIRA administrator manage the Vacation Manager configuration.

You can access this panel as Administrator from Image Modified Administration  Add-ons ons (1)➜ Vacation Manager  Configuration


Configuration (2)

Image Added

All of the above presented sections with its elements are described below:


  • Auto-summary - option allows to hide the summary field in Vacation Document creation views. Summary will be hidden and filled automatically by value defined in Auto-summary text field.
  • Auto-summary text - field defines how it will be generate a summary field value. To describe it, you can choose from the below variables:
    • reporter - reporter of the an issue,
    • supervisor - supervisor chosen by reporter while creating an issue,
    • startDate - requested start date,
    • endDate - requested end date,
    • vacationDays - vacation days used by request,
    • vacationType - name of requests vacation type,
    • description - valie from description field,
    • created - date when Vacation Document was first created,
    • holidayScheme - holiday scheme used by reporter,
    • workweekScheme - workweek scheme used by reporter.
  • Recalculate vacation hours - in Vacation Manager all recurring type vacations are extended by the end of the period, and if carry over option is selected the unused days will be rewritten to next period. So this option specify when such actions will be executed.
  • User vacation warning - displays warning globally in all Jira issue user fields, when selected user is currently on vacation.


Currently there is one global group to edit - HR group. If you want to manage Users and Supervisors, please refer to Teams section.

(info) As this is a significant change when comparing it with 1.2.x version, you may also find useful information on this page.

When editing groups, you will be able to select option Create new schemes. This option specifies if actual Jira schemes (e.g. permission, notification) in Vacation manager project will be overwritten by new schemes created with new groups. If the option NO is selected, old schemes with old groups will remain assigned to project and administrator should modify them yourself. If option YES is selected new schemes will be created and assigned to project but these schemes do not base on an old ones. Instead, it will be composed of basic Vacation Manager schemes without any changes provided by user in previous schemes. Previous schemes will not be deleted, so administrator should do it yourselfhimself/herself. We recommend to leave this option checked as YES to avoid future problems with modified groups' permissions.

Custom Fields

List of all custom fields used by Vacation Manager plugin to calculate used days, display days chart etc.:


When editing custom fields you will be able to select option Migrate data. When selected, data from changed fields will be copied to newly selected fields. This operation will be performed ONLY on Vacation Documents (Issues created in Vacation Document project). Please note: if there was already data in newly selected field, it will be overwritten.


In case you want to clear all Vacation Manager plugin data and remove all its data from your database you have an option to Delete configuration. Please be aware , that this will remove ONLY plugin data from your database. All Jira integration elements (like Jira project, Issues, Permission scheme etc.) will be left intact and you need to remove them manually.

After this operation you will be able to perform Initial setup again.

Warning: this operation is permament and cannot be undone, so please consider doing backup of your Jira before performing it.


Next Vacation Manager admin configuration - Managing Vacation Types