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Jira hosting: Server, Data Center, Cloud (since 2.7.2).

Managing dozens or hundreds of Scheduled Issues can be irritating and tedious, so we released some bulk operations to make The Scheduler easier to use. There are multiple actions that could be performed in a bulk way, to save you some time.


All bulk actions are available when Scheduled Issues are selected

Table of Contents

Bulk change state

As first operation we released was the changing scheduled issue state. This action is useful when you would like to disable or enable some scheduled issues.

Let's imagine you would like to suspend recurring tasks for some time - you do not have to do it manually again!


Select interesting you the scheduled issues


Click 'Enable / Disable' button above the table


Thanks to the bulk change state, you can activate or deactivate many Scheduled Issues at the same time. Deactivation allows you to suspend unwanted executions without removing the Scheduled Issues or triggers, so you can use them again, any time after activation.


  1. Select interesting Scheduled Issues

  2. Click ‘Enable / Disable'button (’Activate / Deactivate' button in DC )

  3. Choose desired state of selected SI

  4. Confirm action and that's it - your tasks have


  1. changed the state!


Notice that the expired


Scheduled Issues can not be activated or deactivated, so they will be omitted while changing states. If you would like to activate expired SI, you have to do it manually via wizard to set up new trigger.

Bulk remove

It is important to keep your working space clean, so we faced up with bulk remove scheduled issues to let you keep SI table clean and without reduntant entities.


The bulk removing If you have Scheduled Issues in your table that you no longer need, e.g. those that have Expired status, you can easily remove them to maintain your table clear.


The bulk removal nicely integrates with table filtering - it's easier to remove all of unnecessary scheduled issuesScheduled Issues. All what you have to do is:

  1. Type phrase in filter input - just remember you can filter tasks also by state, so for instance, it's easy to filter only the expired


  1. Scheduled Issues.

  2. Select


  1. Scheduled Issues

  2. Click ‘Remove'


  1. button (’Delete' button in Server/DC) and confirm an action

  2. And that's it, your tasks have been removed!


Notice that tasks are being removed


permanently and you can not revert deleted SI.

Bulk execute


The scheduler is not only great tool to schedule recurring tasks, but also works awesome as template tool. If you would like to create some tasks manually, set up manual trigger while creating SI and execute this only when you need it.


Select all interesting you SI


No matter if your Scheduled Issue is set to manual execution, have defined triggers based on time or workflow - you can always execute them manually. From now on, you can also do it for several issues at once.

  1. Select Scheduled Issues

  2. Click the ‘Execute’ button

  3. Confirm an action - after that


  1. , your tasks have been submitted


  1. for execution.


Notice that the tasks are being only submitted to execution, not executed yet. However, don't worry - the submitted tasks will execute within several seconds.

Bulk manage access


Available only in The Scheduler for Jira Server, DC (since v6.2.0)

Managing access allows you to share the Scheduled Issues with selected Jira entities. You can share the SI with all users who have access to the SI table in this project, with the project leader, specific project roles, users, or groups.

This feature is extremely helpful when you have many SI in your table and you want different users to see different SI.


  1. Select Scheduled Issues

  2. Click ‘Manage Access’ button

  3. Choose if you want to override or join existing sharing options

  4. Select with whom you want to share the Scheduled Issues.

  5. Confirm action.

Now, selected users should have access to all of the chosen SI.


Bulk clone


Available only in The Scheduler for Jira Server, DC (since v6.2.0)

You may need to copy existing Scheduled Issues e.g. to save time creating very similar SI from scratch or sharing them with different groups just in slightly modified form. Using the bulk clone option you can copy several SI at once.

Choose a prefix or suffix that will allow you to distinguish the original Scheduled Issue from the copy.


Remember, that you cannot create the same name as existing ones. Otherwise, it will result in an error message.

You can also decide what you want to do with the description. At this stage, you can standardize it by selecting the “Replace all with” option and completing the text fields with a new description that will be applied to all selected SI.

Other options are to add a prefix or suffix to the existing descriptions or keep them as they are by selecting "Replace all with" and leaving the text field blank.

You also need to choose to which project those SI will be cloned. The copy will be present only in those projects that will be selected.

  1. Select multiple Scheduled Issues

  2. Click 'Clone' button

  3. Add prefix or suffix

  4. Create a new description (optional)

  5. Choose desired project

  6. Confirm the action and all selected SI should be duplicated


Please note that when you clone Scheduled Issues between projects, they may be invalid after creation.

After creation due to the missing fields or failing validation of Scheduled Issues, cloned SI may have an invalid state. Therefore, issues could not be executed either automatically or manually.

However, You can fix those cloned SI manually using “Fix” link. Hovering over the link should result in displaying the reason for that state and clicking on it will allow you to edit and fix this SI.


Bulk edit


Available only in The Scheduler for Jira Server, DC

Please, note that Bulk edit is supported only for Scheduled Issues with the same Issue type.

You can edit more than one Scheduled Issue at once, as long as they are the same issue type. To do so, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Select Scheduled Issues with the same issue type

  2. Click ‘Edit’ button

  3. In the SI editor, you are able to mark fields that you want to edit and input new data.

  4. Confirm changes and from now, new settings should be applied to all selected SI.


Save your time

The Scheduler contains bulk SI operations to let you save your time and get rid of tedious work. We also hope that showed use cases will help you in real business cases and you will be able to use The Scheduler plugin app more efficiently.